Key questions to ask when diagnosing and treating pediatric chronic cough
1. Does the cough have specific pointers, classic features, or chest radiograph and spirometry abnormalities?
If so, then consider treatments for diseases associated with specific pointers, if not, then continue as following:
a. Classic coughs include the croupy/barking cough of tracheomalacia, the staccato cough for chlamydia, cough with casts, and the whoop for pertussis.
b. Assess risk factors for foreign body inhalation and contributions from rhinosinusitis and reflux.
2. Is the cough wet?
If so, consider treatment of protracted bacterial bronchitis.
a. Consider checking immune status, pertussis, and mycoplasma.
3. Is the cough dry?
If so, consider inhaled corticosteroids for 2 weeks for asthma/ asthma-like illnesses.