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Why Coughology?

Do you happen to have a persistent cough? Has it been bothering you for weeks, months, or even years? Can you still not shake it after trying a variety of cough remedies? Is it possible that you have chronic bronchitis? What about asthma? Or from an ace inhibitor drug? Or are you predisposed to cough?

Unexplained chronic cough can be difficult to identify and manage. That’s why, it is important to reach out to your doctor and diagnose the cause for your cough early.

Coughology brings you the complete guide to understanding the science behind what is causing your coughing episodes and solutions to help you alleviate the tickle in the back of your throat.

Key facts you should know

Coughing is a natural and necessary reflex that protects your airway and lungs from irritant, germs, mucus and dust.
Coughing can send air and particles out of your lungs and throat at speeds approaching 50 miles per hour.
Some pathogens use coughing to transmit to new hosts.
Coughs can be caused by a variety of factors.
A cough that does not go away or is accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, mucus production, or bloody phlegm may indicate a more serious medical problem. A doctor is required for an uncommon and prolonged cough.
Some coughs only tend to occur at night.

Anatomy of a cough

Nerve endings abound in the lining of our respiratory tract, from the back of our throat to the depths of our lungs. When they are inflamed, nerve impulses are sent to the brain’s cough center, activating a series of coordinated muscle activities that result in a cough. This is referred to as the cough reflex.

The cough initially starts with a gasp pulling a deep breath into the lungs. The glottis then snaps shut, covering the trachea or windpipe. The third stage is the forceful contraction of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and diaphragm. These muscles softly push air from the lungs up via the nose and mouth during normal breathing. When the glottis is closed, the air cannot escape, causing considerable pressure to build up in the airways. Finally, the glottis opens, and air rushes out. With a vigorous cough, the air escapes at nearly the speed of sound, producing the barking or whooping sound we call a cough.

Knowing your cough

What really is that nagging cough, and how can you diagnose it? Cough for a minute or two, and you could worry something has gone down the wrong pipe. If you cough for a few days, you might believe you have caught a cold or the flu. During the first week, allergies or bronchitis may come to mind. However, after three or four weeks, your mind begins to race, and your anxiety begins to grow.

If a doctor determines that a cough is the result of a typical cold or flu, the common suggestion is to rest, drink lots of fluids, and let it run its course. Coughs of this type usually go away after 1–2 weeks.

A cough produced by a viral illness lasting more than a couple of weeks would almost certainly necessitate medical care. A chest X-ray may be ordered by the doctor, and a sample of phlegm may be submitted to a laboratory for investigation to discover what is causing the illness.

The patient may be asked to breathe in and out of a tube connected to a machine, which allows the doctor to evaluate whether the airways are blocked (this test is known as spirometry), which is prevalent in asthma or emphysema. If the patient is diagnosed with asthma, he/she may be prescribed asthma medication. A doctor may occasionally recommend a patient to a lung, ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT).

Frequently Asked Questions

Your healthcare provider will take a medical history, perform a physical exam, and may request tests to determine the cause of your cough. As part of the assessment, your provider will check your vital signs, such as your temperature and the number of breaths you take. If your cough has persisted a long time, they may check your oxygen levels, perform a spirometry test in the office, or order a chest X-ray or lung function testing.

Although pregnancy does not normally cause coughing, your immune system does change. This could imply that you catch a cold or cough while pregnant. Furthermore, the cold or cough may persist longer. If your illness lasts longer than expected, or if you have difficulty eating, sleeping, or breathing, contact your healthcare practitioner.

If you cough after eating, it is possible that something went down the wrong way, meaning it traveled to your lungs rather than your stomach. Most of the time, our upper airways are designed to prevent food and drink from reaching our lungs. If food gets into the “wrong pipe,” you will cough, but it’s usually not serious. What you eat or drink can sometimes make its way past that barrier and into your lungs. This is known as aspiration, and it can occur if you have difficulty swallowing or other digestive or lung disorders. Inform your healthcare practitioner if you frequently have coughing and eating problems.

COVID-19 induces coughing. It may also be a symptom of the post-COVID syndrome (or long COVID). Coughing can last for weeks or months after being infected as part of protracted COVID. Other symptoms you may have include extreme fatigue, difficulty concentrating or remembering things, and/or difficulty breathing. If you haven’t been diagnosed with COVID-19, talk to your doctor about getting tested. If you have, follow your healthcare provider’s advice on how to deal with persistent symptoms.

Call your pediatrician if your child has been coughing for longer than four weeks.

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